Technology Foundry
Using a well-resourced and experienced diagnostic tech incubator to accelerate diagnostic development through the following resources:
"Emory Laboratory of Innovative Assay Development" (ELIAD) and Children’s ADJUST Clinical Laboratory
These clinical laboratories are poised to assess and implement new diagnostic point-of-care assays for our patients. They focus on vetting, validating, and implementing “Home Grown” technologies developed, as well as those by external partners.
Virtual “Diagnostic and Disease Discovery” clinics
Comprising of multidisciplinary, adult and pediatric sub-specialty physicians--as well as scientists with diagnostic expertise, we will offer a specialty referral virtual clinic dedicated to evaluating patients with longstanding, undiagnosed symptoms who might benefit from new diagnostic or biomarker technologies.
Technology Clinics assessing, validating, implementing new diagnostics
Providing clinical locations to conduct diagnostic technology research that will also serve as test beds for our investigators to generate new diagnostic-related hypotheses and preliminary data for grant applications.
Diagnostic Contract Research Organization (CRO) activities
By leveraging the skills, resources, and know-how we developed from RADx Tech, we will also offer our services to outside diagnostic technology developers in a cost-effective, efficient, and versatile manner.
Opportunities for students and trainees
These diagnostic technology initiatives will enable internship opportunities for our biomedical and life sciences students and trainees to take part in the most cutting-edge aspects of the field of clinical diagnostics, while still at Emory.